Arkansas Births

In 2023, over 35,000 babies were born in Arkansas. Birth certificate data are comprehensive of all births in the state and provide information on select risk factors in pregnancy, obstetric procedures, and maternal and newborn outcomes.

Annual Births


Low-Risk Cesarean Birth

Percent of low-risk births delivered via cesarean section, by year


Preterm Birth

Percent of babies born before 37 weeks gestation, by year


About These Data

These data are publicly available and obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s WONDER information system. Counties with a population of less than 100,000 are not identified in CDC WONDER data to preserve individual privacy. Based on population, county-level data are only available for six counties in Arkansas.

What These Data Tell Us

Birth records are a comprehensive source of data on demographics, experiences during pregnancy and delivery, and health indicators for the newborn, recorded by birthing families and their providers. Registering births is legally mandated; hence, birth records represent nearly every birth occurring in the state. While birth records provide essential health information about the mother and the infant, it is important to note that birth records only provide a snapshot of their health at the time of birth and do not reflect any health problems that may develop in the weeks or months following birth. Additionally, birth certificates collect limited data about social, economic, and behavioral risk factors that can impact the health of mothers and babies.

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